Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ants in my Pants!!!

Well, do I have ants in my pants? I love to travel, especially if its to see my family and friends. When Ed and I married we started our marrirage by traveling. I have enjoyed traveling every since. We have been in nearly every state, including Alaska and Hawai. But really, the best has been driving to see my children. Every winter I think of all the things I would like to do around the home and there are plenty of things I would love to do, paint the living-room, sand and varnish the hard-wood floors and tons of yard work. But! I don't see my children enough!! Maybe they think I see them plenty, you would have to check that out with them. I love being in their home, feeling the spirit in their homes. Watching the interactions, listening to the piano practice, having a young grandchild ask me to play. So if you read my last blog you will see I have alot of traveling ahead. Thereare no ants in my pants. I love to travel and while I have the health to do so, I will continue to travel from place to place to see family and freinds. Look out your home may be next on my list!


Sarah Ragatz said...

oooh! I want to be next! I want to be next!

Laura D said...

I can't believe you called it first...